
Give Yourself More Confidence With a Smile Design

Jan 08, 2024

It can seem like some people are just naturally blessed with a perfectly beautiful smile. But, that’s not true for everyone. 

Maybe you had a full set of straight white teeth when you were younger, but various dental issues such as decay, breakage, discoloration, gum disease, and missing teeth have started to take their toll. The consequences of these dental problems can leave you feeling defeated about the appearance of your smile. 

Thankfully, there’s plenty of options available that can restore your beautiful smile and boost your self-confidence as a result. 

At Llanos Dental Group in Miami Lakes, Florida, Laura Llanos, DMD, and the rest of our team offer smile design (smile makeover) — a series of cosmetic treatments that addresses many dental issues and leaves you with your best smile yet. In this blog, we review what you need to know about this dental service.

What’s included in the smile design process?

Smile design not only restores the function of your teeth, but also addresses any of your cosmetic concerns as well. Each smile design is created to fit each person’s unique needs and wants, so your specific smile design will likely have a variety of treatments given at different intervals until your smile goals are met.   

Here’s a few examples of what might be included in your smile makeover:

Teeth whitening

While there’s many teeth whitening products you can buy at your local drugstore, Dr. Llanos offers professional strength whitening treatments that will leave your smile brighter than ever. This works best for those whose teeth have stained due to age or outside factors such as foods and beverages.

Teeth cleaning

When plaque is allowed to build up on your teeth, it starts to turn into tartar — a substance that can only be removed by our dental team. Removing the tartar protects your teeth against decay and gum disease. We also apply fluoride treatments to keep destructive bacteria at bay.


If you don’t like the color, shape, or size of your teeth, we can apply thin, custom-made shells called veneers over the top of your teeth. These are made to blend in the rest of your teeth, giving you a brilliant new smile. 

Dental crowns

Crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover weak or broken teeth in order to restore function and protect them from further damage. They can be made with ceramic materials to blend in with the rest of your existing teeth.

Dental implants

If you’ve suffered permanent tooth loss, dental implants use titanium posts anchored to your jawbone in order to replace lost tooth roots. An artificial crown is then placed over top and acts as your new tooth.

Gum contouring

Gum contouring can be used to fix a “gummy smile” or an uneven gumline. Dr. Llanos simply removes the excess gum tissue to reveal more of the underlying tooth, giving you a more symmetrical gumline.


Invisalign clear aligners use a series of clear, custom-made trays to straighten out crooked teeth or correct bad bites (malocclusions) in a discreet manner. 

Tooth-colored fillings

When you have a cavity, it needs to be filled in to keep your tooth protected from harmful bacteria. We offer tooth-colored fillings that are much more subtle than traditional silver fillings.

Next steps

To learn more about our smile design options, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any questions you may have. You can contact us by calling our office at 305-556-0528 or by using our convenient online booking tool today.